
Mini-Mover Conveyors
a division of Whipple Enterprises

21150 Shake Ridge Road
Volcano,CA 95689 USA

Toll-Free Phone: 800-586-4585
Local Phone: 209-296-5128
Fax: 866-900-5124

[email protected]

Diverting and Surge

In temporary buffering or surge control scenarios, product can continue to feed into a lane diverting conveyor or area of a conveyor. This is useful when the main line stops intermittently, when product needs to divert to a workstation for separate actions, or when product delay is needed to prepare downstream operations to receive product.

Production lines with upstream bottlenecks can produce at their capacity uninterrupted while products pause on Mini Mover Rotary Table Accumulators (RTA) equipped with the Stationary Fence Option; surge conveyor systems like this can allow downstream production to catch up. This also helps to reduce costs caused by idle time. In a shipping or similar application an accumulation table would be a great fit for barcoded items that are not scanned correctly and need further attention.

Lite Series conveyors, LP Series conveyors and Transfer-Station (Stationary Fence) equipped Rotary Table Accumulators can be used singly or in combination to meet lane diverting/surge conveyor operational requirements.

Accumulate and Surge Functions for RTAUsing RTA Accumulator to Offload & Organize Product

Small Mini-Mover Lite Series conveyors and RTA accumulator table for diverting product
Small Mini-Mover Lite Series conveyors and RTA accumulator table for diverting product
Multi-lane Mini-Mover Lite Series conveyor used to divert and separate products
Lite Series multi-lane conveyor used to divert and separate products
RTA + LP Series Mini-Mover conveyor teamed for bottle inspection and coding
RTA + LP Series Mini-Mover conveyor teamed for bottle inspection and coding