
Mini-Mover Conveyors
a division of Whipple Enterprises

21150 Shake Ridge Road
Volcano,CA 95689 USA

Toll-Free Phone: 800-586-4585
Local Phone: 209-296-5128
Fax: 866-900-5124

[email protected]

CNC Machine Tending with Mini-Mover Products

Despite rampant staff shortages for US manufacturers today, production capacity can still be boosted — using affordable automation solutions for the plant floor. Mini-Mover Conveyor products are there to help.

High-speed machine tending systems for CNC turning centers, such as those designed by Toellner Systems, Inc in Wisconsin. are designed to handle the repetitive, predictable tasks often performed by human machine operators. Automated machine loader/unloader systems can work far faster than a human too. Toellner estimates its systems allows a throughput increase for its users of 30% to 50% while deceasing production costs.

Mini-Mover Lite Series conveyors and Rotary Table Accumulators (RTAs) are integrated into many of the Toellner systems, especially for the unlading and accumulation functions.

Unloading, using Mini-Mover RTA and Lite Series Conveyor

Toellner System Unloading, using Mini-Mover RTA and Lite Series Conveyor