
Mini-Mover Conveyors
a division of Whipple Enterprises

21150 Shake Ridge Road
Volcano,CA 95689 USA

Toll-Free Phone: 800-586-4585
Local Phone: 209-296-5128
Fax: 866-900-5124

Tag: Class 100 conveyors

Affordable Class 100 Cleanroom Options in Both Lite and LP Platforms

Mini-Mover Conveyors, div. of Whipple Ent., now offers newly Clean Room recertified Lite Series and LP Series conveyors, which include cost-saving belting options, for Class 100 (ISO 5) compliant applications. Modern manufacturing and product development is expanding into more delicate application environments, making clean rooms increasingly necessary. Industries like medical research, food and beverage production,...
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