
Mini-Mover Conveyors
a division of Whipple Enterprises

21150 Shake Ridge Road
Volcano,CA 95689 USA

Toll-Free Phone: 800-586-4585
Local Phone: 209-296-5128
Fax: 866-900-5124

Tag: low-profile conveyors

LPs are Mongolia-Bound, with “Building Buddies”

Our LP Series conveyors keep riding along with the “Building Buddies” traveling exhibition for children’s education. For the summer of 2016, “Building Buddies” is on its way to Mongolia… and beyond! This colorful role-playing experience teaches construction basics to preschoolers, using kid-safe plastic “plumbing,” wall painting (with lights) and brick wall construction with conveyors used...
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LP Series Conveyor Plays Pachinko with the Kids

Who says conveyors can’t be fun? Our LP Series conveyors get to play daily, as part of the Pachinko Gizmo at the Children’s Museum of Sonoma County, located in Santa Rosa, Calif. The Gizmo is located in the Science & Imagination Gallery. Children fire balls across the gallery into the Gizmo and watch the balls...
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LCD Display’s Curing System Uses LP Series Conveyor

We all have familiarity with LCD displays and touch screens in our everyday lives – such smart phones and tablets – but ever wonder how all the display’s multiple layers get sandwiched together? The UVCS 6000 UV curing system (shown below), designed and manufactured by E3 Displays of Phoenix, Ariz., is used in clean room...
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LP Series Conveyors Serve Medical Manufacturing

Highly adaptable for corner-transfer setups, these LP Series conveyors are an integral part of this medical manufacturing cell.
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