
Mini-Mover Conveyors
a division of Whipple Enterprises

21150 Shake Ridge Road
Volcano,CA 95689 USA

Toll-Free Phone: 800-586-4585
Local Phone: 209-296-5128
Fax: 866-900-5124

[email protected]

Category: Rotary Table Accumulators

Using RTA Accumulator to Offload & Organize Product

The Mini-Mover Rotary Table Accumulator (RTA) can serve as an initial product collection area at the beginning, rather than end, of a process. In this photo, the Stationary-Fence option is being used. It acts to surge each product off the table onto the LP Series conveyor. The conveyor is set up to organize and transport...
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Chain of Support for Ford’s COVID-19 Ventilators

Ford Motor Co., in collaboration with GE Healthcare, is now producing a special version of Airon Corp’s FDA-cleared ventilator at Ford’s Rawsonville, MI plant. Ford expects to produce 50,000 ventilator units within the next 100 days, for use on COVID-19 patients in hospitals. Ford plans to produce 30,000 units each month thereafter as needed. Future...
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4 Tips For a Personalized Mini-Mover Quote

All Mini-Mover conveyors are personalized – built to the exact specifications you request. But it’s not always obvious what to ask for. That’s why we’re here to help. Here are four general areas to consider when getting a quote started for your personalized conveyor. You don’t need to know every answer to the areas below...
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Unattended Operation with Lite and RTA Unit

Mini-Mover products can combine in many ways to meet your automation needs. By using our equipment for unattended parts unloading, a shop can better use its crew for other tasks during the day, and run light-out at night. Our Mini-Mover Lite Series conveyor is a natural companion for our RTA (rotary table accumulator) unit.
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RTA Integration with CNC Frees You Up

By integrating a Mini-Mover Rotary Table Accumulator (RTA) to your CNC machine, the need for hand unloading is eliminated. Operators are freed up to do other tasks. Or even to just go home for the evening!
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Accumulator Table for Both Collection & Offload

When equipped with the Stationary Fence option, the Mini-Mover RTA unit (rotary table accumulator) can be used for both product collection and product discharge. As shown in the photo, this RTA is equipped with a companion LP Series conveyor. When set to run in a counter-clockwise rotation, the RTA collects product. Reverse the rotation, and...
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Automate Machining with Mini-Mover Products

Mini-Mover products offer affordable automation for machining and metal stamping operations. Shown here are a Mini-Mover Lite Series conveyor, teamed with a Mini-Mover RTA (rotary table accumulator) unit. They’re used for unattended parts unloading and collection for this precision-machining operation.
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Transfer and Surge Functions for RTA Units

By adding a “stationary-fence” transfer station option to a Mini-Mover Rotary Table Accumulator (RTA), the unit can become a surge table. This allows for pause of product flow, before discharging product back onto the production line. Pictured below is a combination of LP Series conveyor and RTA (rotary table accumulator) set up with surge (stationary...
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Mini-Mover RTAs Catch Those Oily Parts and Fluids

Overnight or unattended machine operation becomes a labor-saving reality with Mini-Mover Rotary Table Accumulator (RTA) units. This 24-inch-diameter RTA, equipped with drain pan, is ideally suited for parts collection where there are ample oily machine fluids.
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RTA and Lite Series Conveyor Unload Machine

Mini-Mover Rotary Table Accumulator (RTA) units are ideal for parts collection, even when loaded up with fluid-soaked or gritty parts. This customer chose to join an RTA and Lite conveyor he already had. An alternative is the use a Mini-Mover Uni-MateTM, which consists of conveyor and RTA and joining hardware, in kit form.
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